By the middle of 2021, Eric Dickerson, an ETS cofounder and then VP of Construction, knew that he was looking at a tremendous year of growth. Most of his Raleigh crews were operating at 100% and building new teams to support demand became a priority.
“We’d planned for significant growth in 2022 and purchased a new facility in Phoenix as part of our regional expansion initiatives,” he explains. “New contracts for site development, tower construction, and modifications ramped up significantly through the summer and we had to bring forward a number of initiatives designed to improve the availability of our teams.”
One such initiative was the relocation of the Raleigh construction depot, to a site with improved access.
“We brought forward that move and we’re close to completion“, says Dickerson. The expanded depot will also include a new training tower for use by our employees.
Eric’s always available to discuss your next construction project.